We're a multi-academy trust – can we get a discount on purchasing Smart Revise for multiple schools?

We're a multi-academy trust – can we get a discount on purchasing Smart Revise for multiple schools?

Yes! Orders of 200+ course vouchers are already subject to a 30% discount, automatically applied at the checkout screen. To purchase on behalf of multiple schools in an academy chain, here are the steps you need to follow:
  1. Register a central multi-academy trust account for purchasing by visiting www.smartrevise.online and selecting Sign up as a teacher. This account will have oversight of all purchases made by the trust and final ownership of the course vouchers themselves.
  2. Each class teacher at each site will also need to register their own, individual Smart Revise teacher account by following the instructions above.
  3. Place one large order for all course vouchers required by all schools in the trust to get the biggest-possible discount. You can order Computer Science GCSE and A Level and Business GCSE at the same time for even bigger savings. (How do I buy revision course packs for my students?)
  4. Once the order has been fulfilled, the central MAT account can be used to transfer the course vouchers to the individual teachers who require them. (Transferring Smart Revise vouchers to other teacher accounts)
Once course vouchers have been transferred to a class teacher's Smart Revise account, that teacher will have full administrative control of those vouchers. They will be able to allocate the vouchers to their students, as well as reclaiming and reassigning vouchers as necessary. 

The central MAT account will be able to view order history, reclaim active course vouchers from one teacher account and transfer them to another teacher account at any time.

Alternatively, if you would prefer for each school in the trust to place its own order and be invoiced separately, please email us at admin@craigndave.co.uk, let us know how many students you are purchasing for across the entire trust, and we will provide you with a discount code.

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