For Teachers
Our invoices are being sent to the wrong email address
We understand that finance contact details can change at any time and for a number of different reasons, and that is why we ask for an up-to-date finance contact email address with each individual order placed with us. The associated invoice (or ...
I share a class with another teacher – why can't we both access the course materials in student mode?
If you have purchased vouchers for a course, set up a class and then shared that class with one or more colleagues, you may have noticed that you are able to view the materials in student mode while your co-teacher(s) cannot. Unfortunately, automatic ...
How can I change a student password if I log in using SSO?
If you use SSO to log in with saved credentials and have forgotten your password, you will not be able to change a student's password until you know your own. Follow these steps to recovering your password: All Smart Revise accounts have an ...
What does the data on a student flight path mean?
Students have three flight paths that show their progress with the content in Smart Revise. The blue line shows progress with Quiz (multiple choice), pink is Terms (definitions) and green is Advance (written answers). Student flight path Selecting ...
We emailed a purchase order to you but we haven't received the product
We cannot process purchase orders we receive via email or post for any of our products. Purchase order forms simply do not include the information we need to be able to fulfil an order. For this reason, we require orders to be placed either via our ...
How do I view flight path data or change the settings?
Teachers can see all the flight paths for their class by navigating to class analytics and clicking Flight paths. By selecting Load full data, the daily breakdown for a student can be seen. To set the target cone start date and end-of-course targets ...
What are flight paths?
Every day a student uses Smart Revise, it records their overall percentage progress on that day. Teachers can then see patterns for individual students and whether they are on-target. On the new-look student course home page, students will see a ...
Can students be moved to another class?
Students can switch classes at any time by clicking Join a class from their student dashboard and entering a different class code. Simply give them the class code of the class you want to move them to, and have them join it – this will automatically ...
Can Smart Revise vouchers be exchanged or refunded after purchase?
Vouchers can be exchanged or refunded after purchase, but only under certain conditions. Changing examination boards If you decide to change examination board part-way through a Smart Revise course, we will exchange your course vouchers ...
I need a quote for Smart Revise
The quickest and easiest way to source a quote is to use the shopping basket in Smart Revise itself. From your teacher dashboard, click Buy course vouchers On the next screen, add the product(s) you wish to purchase to your basket, click on the ...
Can I see how long students have used Smart Revise for?
Logging the time a student has spent working on Smart Revise Although some applications attempt to show the number of minutes / hours a student has used a product for, it isn't actually technically possible to do this accurately. so we do not have a ...
Unverified student accounts
When users register with Smart Revise, before we allow full access to the system, we need to check that the person registering actually has access to the email address being used and can receive emails from us. If you have students in your class that ...
We're a multi-academy trust – can we get a discount on purchasing Smart Revise for multiple schools?
Yes! Orders of 200+ course vouchers are already subject to a 30% discount, automatically applied at the checkout screen. To purchase on behalf of multiple schools in an academy chain, here are the steps you need to follow: Register a central ...
Student has forgotten their password
When a student forgets their Smart Revise password, there are two options available to you. If the student has previously joined a class, the class teacher can reset the student's password by clicking Manage student against their name in the class ...
AI marking in Smart Revise
Our model Smart Revise AI marking uses an adapted large language model provided by OpenAI that is fine tuned to the Smart Revise context. Data protection No personal data is sent to OpenAI. We only send the question, meta data about the question to ...
Can I change to a different course once my students have started using Smart Revise?
At the end of the academic year, teachers often reflect on whether the course their students are following is the most suitable for them and may consider moving to a different exam board. It is possible to have different year groups studying ...
My students cannot see a task I assigned to them
There are two main reasons why your students may not be able to see a task you have created. The assignment process has not been completed. This can happen if the task wizard is exited after the task was created but before students were assigned - or ...
Using the M.A.R.C.K.S. feedback system
MARCKS is a method of providing feedback to students on how to improve their exam technique without using written prose. This is particularly important for peer marking so that students cannot leave inappropriate comments to each other but can still ...
I have joined a school that uses Smart Revise – how do I gain access?
For data protection and safeguarding reasons, the process of transferring Smart Revise access from one teacher account to another should be carried out between teachers themselves wherever possible – having us intervene should only ever be a last ...
How do I transfer my Smart Revise classes to another teacher?
The process of transferring Smart Revise access from one teacher account to another has data protection and safeguarding implications, so unfortunately we cannot simply transfer access from one teacher to another for you. Wherever possible, class ...
Transferring Smart Revise vouchers to other teacher accounts
You can transfer vouchers you have purchased to other teacher accounts from within Smart Revise. This can be particularly useful if you are part of a multi-academy trust and have one central purchasing department or you are a Head of Department ...
Can I view the full range of course materials in student mode?
Yes! Teachers who have purchased vouchers for a course can activate a student mode course pack for that course free of charge. From your teacher dashboard, navigate to the appropriate course. Below your list of classes for that course, you should see ...
Quick Start Guide
See our handy quick start guide below.
How do I buy revision course packs for my students?
Please note: Although we accept purchase order and invoice as a method of payment, we cannot process purchase orders we receive via email. Orders must be placed through a Smart Revise teacher account. Start by logging into your Smart Revise account ...
I'm expecting an email from you but I haven't received anything
As an online company selling digital products, we conduct a vast majority of our business via email. However, some schools use aggressive email filtering systems, which may prevent you from receiving emails from us including order confirmation, ...
Leaderboards share an individual student's progress with others in the class. This can be motivational for some students who like to know how well they are doing compared to their peers, but they must be used with caution so as not to demotivate ...
Teacher mark book
To view your mark book, log into your teacher account, then navigate to: The course The class Tasks Then click the button labelled Mark book. On the next screen, you will see a list of students, their average score percentage and their individual ...
Are there any discounts available?
Yes! We have a simple bulk discount offer, available to all customers whether they have a Craig 'n' Dave membership or not, applied automatically at the checkout. Our pricing and discount structure can be found here: Pricing – Smart Revise More ...
There are only a few months left on the course I want to purchase – can I get a discount?
While we advise teachers to purchase Smart Revise for their students from the beginning of the course, we appreciate that school budgets don't always allow for that. You may also have only just discovered Smart Revise and want to purchase it for your ...
Class settings
Every class you create in Smart Revise has its own class configuration screen. Once you have selected a class press the "More Actions" then "Configure Class" from the dropdown. You can do various things from the class configuration screen: A - Class ...
How do I purchase Smart Revise for my class?
Please note: We cannot process purchase orders we receive via email. Orders must be placed through the class teacher's Smart Revise account. The course vouchers will then be applied to that account, enabling the class teacher to allocate the vouchers ...
Is Smart Revise included with a Craig 'n' Dave membership?
No, Smart Revise is not included with a Craig 'n' Dave membership. Smart Revise has significantly more overheads in terms of hosting and development. We cannot afford to include it in a membership unfortunately.
We teach shared classes – how can multiple teachers create, join and manage shared classes?
Start by setting up your class if you haven't already. How do I set up a new class? Every class has a six character class code shown on the class management screen. Tell your colleagues the class code. E.g. KABQE6. Your colleague will need to have ...
How do I reclaim a voucher if a student has left my class / school so I can allocate it to another student?
As long as a voucher is still valid and has time remaining before expiration you may reclaim then and reassign them to different student. There are 2 way to reclaim a voucher: 1. Accessing your Class and clicking "Reclaim Voucher". 2. Click on the ...
How do I allocate vouchers to my students once I have purchased them?
First make sure you have purchased some vouchers. Next create a class... ... and get your students to join your class. Once you have done this allocation of vouchers is a simple process: Select the appropriate course from your Dashboard. Select the ...
How can I see which students have used my voucher codes?
Select the drop down icon in the top right hand corner of the screen and choose "My Vouchers". Here you will see all the vouchers you have purchased for your various courses along with how many are still to be claimed by students. The vouchers ...
How can I see how well my students are doing?
We provide a number of ways for teachers to track the performance of their class, this article will be updated as well roll out new features. To access class analytics First select the course you are interested in from your home page and then select ...
Turning on/off the ability for your students to select their own topic filters
Once you have set up a class and your students have joined it, you have the option to either control topic filters yourself or allow your students to control them. Select the course and then the class. Then click More actions and select Configure ...
How do I get students to join my class?
Before students can join your class you will need to: Add a new course Set up a new class Check that students can join your class. In the class list, select "Configure". Toggle the "Allow new students to join" option if it is not switched on: Make a ...
How do I set up a new class?
First select the course you want to manage from your Dashboard. Next select "Make a new class". Here you can: Give your class a name Set which modes you want to use Set a limit for the leaderboard (if left blank all students will show) Control ...
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