Classroom resources
My previous login details don't work on your new website
To better serve our users going forward, we have recently made some big changes to our website. You've probably noticed the new look, but we've also had to make some changes under the hood, including how you access our resources. We sent out emails ...
Our invoices are being sent to the wrong email address
We understand that finance contact details can change at any time and for a number of different reasons, and that is why we ask for an up-to-date finance contact email address with each individual order placed with us. The associated invoice (or ...
We need your company details to set you up as a new supplier
About CRAIGNDAVE LTD is a UK based company (limited by shares) founded in 2016. Our aim is to raise attainment and reduce workload in the secondary education sector. CEOs Mr Craig Sargent Mr David Hillyard Directors Mr Sam Sargent Mr Mark Plowman ...
We emailed a purchase order to you but we haven't received the product
We cannot process purchase orders we receive via email or post for any of our products. Purchase order forms simply do not include the information we need to be able to fulfil an order. For this reason, we require orders to be placed either via our ...
I'm expecting an email from you but I haven't received anything
As an online company selling digital products, we conduct a vast majority of our business via email. However, some schools use aggressive email filtering systems, which may prevent you from receiving emails from us including order confirmation, ...
My Craig 'n' Dave membership has expired – how do I renew?
Renewing your Craig 'n' Dave membership is easy – all you need to do is visit our online shop and place an order for another 12-month membership. You will have the opportunity to update any of the details we hold for you or your school during the ...
Do you offer a free trial Craig 'n' Dave membership?
Due to the way we deliver our resources, we are not able to provide trial access to the Craig 'n' Dave members' area. If we did, trial users would be able to log in and download our entire library of resources within minutes – we're sure you can ...
Who narrates the videos?
Probably our most frequently asked question! Craig narrates our flipped classroom videos. Dave makes TIME 2 CODE plus many of the classroom workbooks and exercises.
I am logged into my Craig 'n' Dave account – why can’t I download the resources?
If you are logged into your Craig 'n' Dave account but you see a message telling you to log in when you try to download the resources, your cookies have probably expired. To resolve the problem, please click Member Login, then Logout. When you log ...
I’m a parent – can I purchase a Craig 'n' Dave membership for my child?
Our resources are very much designed to be delivered by a teacher in the classroom, so a student using them individually at home wouldn’t really be able to make the most of them. As such, we don’t offer private memberships for students or parents. ...
I teach at a school outside the UK – can I still use your resources?
Yes! We have already welcomed many international schools from all over the world. If you teach at a school outside the UK and would like to use Craig ‘n’ Dave resources in your classroom, simply place your order the normal way. PLEASE NOTE: We are ...
I’m not in a permanent teaching post – can I still use your resources?
Yes! If you’re a cover or trainee teacher or even a private tutor, you can still teach with Craig ‘n’ Dave resources. All you need to do is add a note on your order to let us know about your situation. If you’re a cover or trainee teacher, you’ll ...
How do I teach with your resources?
You can find more information about our pedagogy and how to make the most of our resources in your classroom here.
I’ve purchased a Craig 'n' Dave membership – how do I log in?
Once you have placed your membership order, you don’t need to do anything else. We will create a member account for you and send you your login credentials via email as soon as possible. Although Craig ‘n’ Dave is growing in leaps and bounds thanks ...
I only need resources for one of these courses – can I just order that?
When we launched Craig ‘n’ Dave, we wanted to keep things as simple and user-friendly as possible – that’s why we only offer a one-size-fits-all membership. We think a Craig 'n' Dave membership offers incredible value for money, even if you only end ...
My membership isn’t due to expire for a while – can I renew early?
Yes! We understand that making the most of your budget can involve a little hoop-jumping from time to time. If your Craig 'n' Dave membership isn’t due to expire until the next financial year but you would like to use your current annual budget to ...
Will you remind me when my membership is about to expire?
Yes! We will send an email reminder to both the teacher and finance points of contact up to 14 days before your Craig 'n' Dave membership is due to expire. If you have also purchased a 12-month licence for Paul Long's Ultimate GCSE Resources from us, ...
Can you send me an invoice?
If you would like to purchase any of our resources and pay with an invoice, all you need to do is choose purchase order as your method of payment at the checkout screen. You will then need to provide us with: a valid purchase order number; and a ...
I don’t have a purchase order number yet – can I go ahead and place my order?
As many schools are now operating on a “no purchase order number, no payment” system, we cannot process your order without one. Please obtain a valid purchase order number from your school’s finance department before placing your order. Please ensure ...
I want to pay with a purchase order – what are your payment terms?
We require full payment within 60 days of the invoice date. Once 60 days have passed, we will send you an email to remind you that your payment is outstanding.
How do I purchase a membership for your classroom resources?
Our membership packages are available to purchase from our online shop. To access the shop, please log in/register at and click Shop. A range of other Craig ‘n’ Dave products are also available to purchase from the shop, including ...
How much does a Craig 'n' Dave membership cost?
A standalone Craig 'n' Dave 12-month membership costs £179 plus VAT. We also offer a bundle of a Craig 'n' Dave 12-month membership and 12 months' access to Paul Long's The Ultimate GCSE Resources for £262.40 plus VAT, a 20% discount off the combined ...