Unverified student accounts
When users register with Smart Revise, before we allow full access to the system we need to check that the person registering actually has access to the email address being used and can receive emails from us for password resets etc...
If you have students in your class that have the word unverified against their name, it means that the student has not completed the verification process and as such, they will not be able to make course purchases and you will not be able to assign vouchers to them.
The verification process is very simple but is something each user (student and teacher) will need to do as part of the registration process.
On registration, we send an email to the addressed provided.
The user needs to click the button in the email (or copy and paste the link into a browser) which will prove to us that they have been able to receive the email and will verify their account.
Please note: The link in the verification emails will expire in 7 days.
Whitelisting email senders
If your institution blocks emails from non-whitelisted senders, please add the following domain to your whitelist:
We may send emails from different subdomains in a failover scenario which is why we recommend wildcarding the domain, but usually they will be sent from the comms2 subdomain ( i.e. comms2.smartrevise.co.uk)
Please note that this is not the same domain as the website.
If an email was not received, please check the following:
- Does the email contain any typos?
- If so, if the account has not been used before (i.e. this is a new registration and not a change to email address) then the simplest thing to do is to register again using the correct email address
- If the account has been used for a while and has data that you wish to keep, go to "Manage account" (click your name in the top right corner to get the drop-down menu) and correct the email address. We will send an email to the new address on a successful change.
- If the email address is correct, check junk/spam folders.
- Check that your institution has whitelisted the following domain for receiving emails: *.smartrevise.co.uk Note that this is not the same domain as the website address.
- If everything seems ok, please contact us with email address of the user(s) having problems and we will investigate further for you. It's important to note that we only keep 5 days of email logs so for us to investigate any errors, there needs to have been a recent attempt by the user to get a verification email.
If the verification email has expired:
Go to "Manage account" (click your name in the top right corner to get the drop-down menu) and click the "Send verification email" link under your email address. You will only be able to do this once every 5 minutes.
My institution does not allow students to receive external emails
We appreciate that not all students are allowed to receive external emails. In this scenario there a couple of alternatives available.
- Use SSO (like Microsoft or Google accounts) for registration/login.
- When registering, using an SSO account will automatically verify the account on successful registration
- When linking to an existing account, the email address will be verified only if the address in Smart Revise matches the address in the SSO account
- As a last resort we can verify students on your behalf but please bear in mind that in this scenario it is likely that students will be wholly reliant on class teachers to reset forgotten passwords rather than being able to sort it out themselves. This may impact their ability to use Smart Revise in a timely fashion.
As a result, we will only do this for students who are using a school email address - private email addresses should be verified by their owners.
If you wish to follow this route, please ask your students to register and join your class.
When this is done, please contact us with the class name and class code and let us know that you want us to verify the unverified students in that class.
It is your responsibility to check that the correct email addresses.
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