SSO - Google Access Blocked Message

SSO - Google Access Blocked Message

Sometimes, Google (or local administrators) make changes that require specific Trust settings on 3rd party apps.

You may find that when your users attempt to access Smart Revise using Google sign-in, an error message along the lines of "Access blocked: Your institution's admin needs to review" is displayed.

To fix this, your Google administrator needs to log into the Google Admin Console and do the following:
1. Navigate to Security - Access and Data Control - API Controls.

3. Find the Smart Revise entry and select Change Access .

If you cannot find the app, it could be because your students haven't requested access to the app.
In this case you can add the Smart Revise app to the Configured Apps list via the Add app option using the following Client ID

4. When you get to the Scope page, ensure the organisation is selected and click Next

5. Set the Access to Google Data option to Trusted

6. Click Next and then Change Access to complete the changes.

NOTE: It can sometimes take up to 24 hours for google changes to take effect and users may need to restart their devices.
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