Our invoices are being sent to the wrong email address

Our invoices are being sent to the wrong email address

We understand that finance contact details can change at any time and for a number of different reasons, and that is why we ask for an up-to-date finance contact email address with each individual order placed with us.

The associated invoice (or receipt if you have paid by card) will be sent to this nominated finance contact. We are operating on the assumption that the contact address displayed on the most recent order is accurate and up-to-date, so this is the address we will use, even if we have a different finance contact stored against your account.

If you find that we have sent a finance document to the wrong email address, please contact the person who placed the order (typically named on the document under the heading "Requested by") and advise them to use the correct finance contact email address going forward.

Smart Revise users will need to update the institution details associated with their account, which can be done from the Review order screen.

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