About our videos

About our videos

Where can I find your videos?

The videos are hosted on YouTube and available to stream online via our student website
Whenever we update a video on YouTube, the link changes  for that reason, we recommend linking to the videos on our student site, which have static links.
Our videos are also available on the ClickView platform for subscribing schools.

How should I use your videos?

We recommend using a flipped classroom approach to teaching. To get the most out of the videos, we suggest students use the Cornell method of note-taking using our Cornell notebooks.

Do your videos cover the entire course in enough detail?

Yes. You could completely remove the chalk-and-talk aspect of your lesson if you wanted to, as our videos are specifically produced to cover every bullet point of the exam board specification. Of course, in-class activities should be used to supplement them, and we provide plenty of these for Craig'n'Dave members.

Do I need to show your videos to my students in the classroom? 

If you’re following our flipped classroom approach, no – the videos are intended to be viewed by students as homework tasks outside of school hours. Alternatively, if you are using our resources as part of a more traditional approach to teaching, you may want to show our videos to your students in the classroom.  

I cannot access YouTube at my school – can I download the videos from your website? 

No. Craig 'n' Dave owns the copyright to the videos and they cannot be downloaded or ripped from YouTube.

Can I host your videos on Microsoft Stream or another video sharing platform for my class?

No, we do not permit hosting our videos on other platforms. When users view our videos on YouTube, we benefit from Google algorithms, impressions and other data. If teachers and students access the videos from elsewhere, we lose this valuable data. To compensate for that, we also sell our videos as digital downloads. However, these local copies can only be hosted on internal learning platforms or a private shared network drive. Note that access to our videos must always be behind a login if they are not being accessed through our YouTube channel.

Due to file size and bandwidth limitations, we are not able to host local copies of the videos on our website. However, we appreciate that some school networks do not permit access to YouTube – that is why local copies of our videos are available to purchase through our online shop.

How much do the downloads cost? 

Can I get physical copies of the videos?

If you are situated in the UK, yes. If you would like us to send you a free physical copy of our videos on a USB drive in addition to the digital download, please include a note with your order. 

Why do I have to pay for local copies of your videos when they are available for free on YouTube?

When users view our videos on YouTube, we benefit from Google algorithms promoting our resources and content, plus the use of cards and end-screens to make students and teachers aware of our other products. Providing local copies of our videos means we generate less of this valuable data.

So, in essence, by purchasing local copies our videos, you are paying for two things:
  1. A lifetime, site-wide licence to host our videos on a password-protected intranet or internal learning platform.
  2. A portion of the cost impact associated with our loss of YouTube/Google data.