If you are logged into your Craig 'n' Dave account but you see a message telling you to log in when you try to download the resources, your cookies have probably expired. To resolve the problem, please click Member Login, then Logout. When you log back in, your browser will refresh your site cookies, and resource downloads should now be available to you.
If this does not resolve your issue, your browser cache may be the culprit. Please follow these steps to clear it:
- Log out of Craig’ n’ Dave.
- Press CTRL (or CMD for Mac users) + Shift + Delete while in your browser.
- Delete all cookies and cached pages.
- Log in and try to download a resource.
Finally, if this does not work, please try using Chrome in Incognito mode. To start an Incognito browsing session, click the button in the top right-hand corner of your browser window (the one that looks like three dots) and select “New incognito window” or press CTRL (CMD for Mac users) + Shift + N.