How do I show students how to complete a task?

How do I show students how to complete a task?

Smart Revise allows a teacher to switch between teacher and student modes. In student mode you can use the product as if you are a student, demonstrating the student experience.

Why can't I see the task I set in student mode?

It is likely that when you set the task, you were not a student of the class, but a teacher of the class instead, so the task will not have been assigned to you for completion when it was set.

To see the task when logged in as a teacher you will need to follow the steps below.

Joining the class as both a student and teacher of the class

  1. Make sure you have full course pack access if the task contains questions that are not included in free topics (if you did not purchase the vouchers you will not have automatic access, please contact us)
  2. Make a note of the class code.
  3. Switch to student mode.
  4. Select Join a class.
  5. Enter the class code.

Assigning the task to yourself

  1. Switch to teacher mode.
  2. Select the course.
  3. Select the class.
  4. Select Tasks.
  5. Select Assign.
  6. Make sure you are ticked and select Next.
  7. Select Finish.

Demonstrating the task to the students

  1. Switch to student mode.
  2. Select the course. You should see the task in the tasks section.
  3. Select the task and demonstrate to the students how to complete and navigate to the next question. Students can move backwards and forwards through the questions and go back to a previous question to change their answer. When they have finished they should submit the task for marking.

Removing yourself from the class as a student

After demonstrating the task, so that the teacher doesn't appear in the mark book it is a good idea to remove yourself from the class as a student. You will still be a teacher of the class.
  1. Switch to teacher mode.
  2. Select the course.
  3. Select the class.
  4. Find yourself in the class list.
  5. Select Unlink and reclaim the voucher if prompted.

Why is there no instant feedback like Quiz, Terms and Advance for Tasks?
Tasks are designed to mimic tests and exams, allowing students to go back to previous questions, review their answers and change their minds. They cannot do this with instant feedback. With self-assessment students can mark and review their answers as soon as they have submitted the task.

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