How do I reclaim a voucher if a student has left my class / school so I can allocate it to another student?

How do I reclaim a voucher if a student has left my class / school so I can allocate it to another student?

As long as a voucher is still valid and has time remaining before expiration you may reclaim then and reassign them to different student.

There are 2 way to reclaim a voucher:

1. Accessing your Class and clicking "Reclaim Voucher".

2. Click on the your name in the top right of the page and select "My Vouchers" and "Manage Vouchers" for the course you need to reclaim a voucher for.

You will then see a list of the vouchers you have for a course along with which students they are assigned to.

You can reclaim a voucher my selecting the yellow "Reclaim voucher" button.

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