Do you have a list of URLs for your YouTube videos?

Do you have a list of URLs for your YouTube videos?

Flipped classroom videos & Smart Revise references

For linking to our flipped classroom theory videos, we strongly encourage you to use the URLs of the pages on our video index site:

This will ensure you are always watching the latest version of a video. Unfortunately, YouTube does not have the facility to update a video. That means when we make changes to a video, the URL also changes. The page URLs on our video index website are static, and have the most recent YouTube video embedded.

However, this does not make the videos accessible if your school filtering blocks YouTube. You will need to whitelist the URLs generated by the following links for each course. The URLs can be copied and pasted from the web page generated.

Smart Revise model answer videos


Smart Revise product

For whitelisting the Smart Revise product itself, refer to the following help desk articles:
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