Try Smart Revise for free as a teacher
Sign up, add a course and create your first class
Head over to and create a free teacher account by clicking
Sign up as a teacher.
From the teacher dashboard, click the Add new course button in the top-right corner.

Next, choose a course from the available options.

From the left-hand panel, you can filter the available courses by subject, exam board and level of study.
Set up a class
You will see the course tile on your dashboard.
Click the Make a new class button.
Enter an appropriate name for your class and make sure to enable the modes you want your students to be able to access.
Once you are happy you have entered all the correct details, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Create class button.
You will return to the course page and be able to see the class you have created.

You will see that each class has a six-character class code associated with it. This is the code you will give students so they can join your class.

You can create as many classes as you need. Just make sure your are creating classes for the appropriate course.
Ask your students to create a free account and join your class
Ask your students to head over to and create their free student account by clicking
Sign up as a student.
From their student dashboard, ask each student to click the Join a class button on their dashboard.
Provide them with the six-character class code and ask them to enter it into the dialog box that appears.
The student's dashboard will now update to show that the course has been added to their account in trial mode.

Your students can now access a limited number of topics from the specification free of charge.

If you make a mistake and have your students join the wrong class, they can change to another class by following the same process above.
Switch to student mode to see some of the content
From your teacher account, click Teacher mode and select Student mode from the drop-down menu.

You can switch between teacher and student mode at any time from this menu. Acessing the materials in this way allows you to demo the product to students and get a feel for how the system looks to a student without having to create a separate student account for yourself.
Once you're in student mode, click the Try for free button and select the course(s) you wish to trial.
3. Your student mode dashboard will now look like this.
You can now select the course tile and try the product from a student's perspective

All the functionality of Smart Revise is available to teachers and students in trial mode, as well as the full suite of reporting and analytics tools, allowing you to try all of Smart Revise's features before you buy.
Best of all, any progress your students make in trial mode will carry over to the full course when you purchase course vouchers for them.

For an overview of everything Smart Revise can do for you and suggestions of how best to use it, please visit our
promotional site.
For a list of other help articles relating to Smart Revise, please visit our online helpdesk.
Of course, if you have any other questions about Smart Revise, please
contact us.
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