Can I view the full range of course materials in student mode?

Can I view the full range of course materials in student mode?

Yes! Teachers who have purchased vouchers for a course can activate a student mode course pack for that course free of charge.

From your teacher dashboard, navigate to the appropriate course. Below your list of classes for that course, you should see the following prompt: "As a teacher who owns vouchers for this course, you can enable a course pack that will allow you to access the full course in student mode. Please click the button the enable your course pack."

Click the blue Enable course pack button to proceed. Once you have enabled your course pack, click Teacher mode at the top of the screen and select Student mode from the drop-down menu.

Now you will be able to view the course materials in student mode, providing an effective method of demonstrating the system to your students.

If you have not previously purchased vouchers for a course but you share a class with a colleague who has and you also need to be able to view the materials in student mode, please email us at and let us know which course(s) you require access to.
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