Smart Revise - exercising your right to be forgotten

Smart Revise - exercising your right to be forgotten

Article 17

The right to be forgotten (Article 17) is not an absolute right. Certain conditions must be met before the data controller is required to comply with the request, which are as follows:
  1. The personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose for which the data was collected or otherwise processed.
  2. The data subject withdraws their consent.
  3. The data subject objects to the processing where the controller relies on ‘public task’ or ‘legitimate interests’ and there are no overriding reasons not to delete the data.
  4. The personal data was unlawfully processed.
  5. The personal data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation e.g. court order.
  6. The personal data has been collected in relation to the offer of information society services.
Only the data controller is permitted to action or refuse the right to be forgotten request.

Who is the data controller?

If you have not joined a class, CraignDave Ltd is the data controller.

If you have joined a class, your educational establishment is the data controller, whereas CraignDave Ltd is the data processor in this case.

Asking the data controller to delete your data

If your educational establishment is the data controller, you must ask all your subject teachers using Smart Revise to exercise your right to be forgotten.

They may refuse, as the data may be necessary in relation to the purpose for which the data was collected; for example, to analyse examination results against progress data, reflecting on teaching and learning, etc.

If your teacher(s) are happy for your data to be deleted, they must contact us as the data controller, and we will assist them to delete your data as their data processor.

Please direct all communications to your data controller.

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