Recent Articles
I share a class with another teacher – why can't we both access the course materials in student mode?
If you have purchased vouchers for a course, set up a class and then shared that class with one or more colleagues, you may have noticed that you are able to view the materials in student mode while your co-teacher(s) cannot. Unfortunately, automatic ...
How can I change a student password if I log in using SSO?
If you use SSO to log in with saved credentials and have forgotten your password, you will not be able to change a student's password until you know your own. Follow these steps to recovering your password: All Smart Revise accounts have an ...
How do students make improvements to their marked tasks?
There are two approaches for schools that have DIRT (dedicated improvement and reflection time): Option 1: Return the task to the student. Option 2: Copy and set the task again. Option 1: Return the task to the student Any task can be returned to a ...
Smart Revise Security
Answers to the commonly asked questions about Smart Revise: Company information What is your company name / address / co. number? See our entry filed with Companies House: CRAIGNDAVE LTD overview - Find company information - GOV.UK IT systems What IT ...
What does the data on a student flight path mean?
Students have three flight paths that show their progress with the content in Smart Revise. The blue line shows progress with Quiz (multiple choice), pink is Terms (definitions) and green is Advance (written answers). Student flight path Selecting ...